Three "Don'ts" For A Successful Trip To The Used Dealer

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Three "Don'ts" For A Successful Trip To The Used Dealer

30 December 2019
 Categories: Automotive, Blog

Are you ready to buy your next rig? Purchasing used offers potentially substantial cost savings, but it's not a decision to take lightly. Even after you've done your research, it is crucial to prepare for the experience of stepping onto the lot and choosing the right truck for your business. Making the right decision can have an incredible impact on your bottom line, but how can you know which truck is right for you? While every owner-operator will have their own particular needs and requirements, there are a few tips that you can follow to give yourself the best chance for success.

Don't Take The Process Lightly

First and foremost, remember that purchasing a new rig is a major business decision. Choosing a personal vehicle can be tough, but choosing the right rig is a whole new ballgame. If you already know some of the trucks that are on the lot, then it can pay to do serious research before you arrive. It's a good idea to at least have a rough idea of the type of truck that you want, but researching other vehicles on the lot never hurts. The more knowledgeable you are before you arrive, the more time you can spend inspecting the trucks instead of asking basic questions.

Don't Ignore Your Requirements

Every driver knows their unique business requirements. Will you be conducting mostly long hauls? Will you be taking your truck onto gravel or dirt roads? If you are primarily a highway driver, then your needs will be much different from those of a driver who sticks to rural routes. When you conduct your research on trucks on the lot, make sure that you understand the roles that best suit each available model. It can be tempting to jump on a good deal, but even a fantastic deal will only cost you money if the truck is unsuitable for the needs of your business.

Don't Forget To Inspect

It is crucial to perform a detailed inspection of any truck that you may want to add to your business. Even reputable dealerships can miss potential problems, and it is your responsibility to ensure that the truck you purchase is safe and reliable. Bring an inspection checklist with you to the dealership, and perform the most thorough inspection that you can. Once you have settled on a particular truck, have a more detailed inspection performed by a mechanic before purchasing. When combined with detailed service and maintenance records, a thorough inspection can provide you with the confidence you need to buy a truck for your business. Turn to resources like to get started.