Is Your Junk Car Hidden Gold?

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Is Your Junk Car Hidden Gold?

14 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Have you ever looked out at the old, rusting car in your driveway and wondered if it might be worth a fortune? Well, there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is that your junk car is probably not going to turn into the next million-dollar barn find. The good news is that cars are rarely entirely worthless, and you can probably still turn that old piece of junk into cash even if it isn't worth selling privately or trading in. Getting the most money out of your old car isn't hard, and these three steps will help to ensure that you don't miss out on your payday.

Step 1: Make Sure That It Isn't A Goldmine

Just because your old beater probably isn't worth its weight in gold doesn't mean that you shouldn't do a little bit of research before junking it. It is worth keeping in mind, however, that cars that are severely rusted out are rarely worth much even if they do happen to be rare. If your old car's body is relatively straight and rust-free, however, then it's worth doing some homework to determine if you happen to have something rare on your hands. Remember that most classic car collectors value vehicles that can be restored without too much effort, so try to find examples of vehicles in similar conditions when conducting research.

Step 2: Strip Out Some Parts

If you're handy, then stripping out a few easily accessible parts to sell isn't a bad idea. Check values for headlight and taillight assemblies in particular, as these items are often straightforward to remove and valuable. Interior bits and pieces can sometimes be worth the time and effort to remove, as well. Anything from climate controls to radio head units might fetch a reasonable price. Stripping just a few parts from your old car can easily double the scrap value, helping you to pull just a bit more money from that old junker.

Step 3: Call Around

Once you're sure that you're ready to sell, it's time to call a few scrapyards. When contacting junk buyers, be prepared with a few questions:

  • How much will they offer you for your vehicle?
  • Is the towing service provided free of charge?
  • Do they require any documentation beyond a title?

This final question is particularly important. You may not need a title for older cars, but scrapyards will be unable to buy newer vehicles if a title in your name is unavailable. Ensure that you have any required documentation before the tow driver shows up.

Remember, just because your old car may not be worth six figures doesn't mean that it isn't worth scrapping. With a couple of hours of work, you can easily turn your junk car into several hundred dollars or more. Learn more about getting money for junk cars today.